Salary and personal data of 637,138 residents leaked

The personal and salary data of 637,000 Albanians, about a quarter of the population, has been stolen and leaked on the internet. It concerns names, identity card and passport numbers, telephone numbers, salary, position and employer that are contained in two Excel documents that are shared via WhatsApp, according to the Albanian Exit News. The … Read more

Twitter says it will remove images of people posted without consent

Twitter has updated its privacy policy so that it can remove images of people that have been posted without their consent. It would require a first-person report or a report from an authorized representative to establish whether or not the individual had consented to it being shared.

Smartwatches for children are a privacy and security nightmare

Researchers analyzed the security of four popular smartwatches for children and found pre-installed downloaders, weak passwords, and unencrypted data transmissions. The analysis demonstrates that most of these devices arbitrarily collect and periodically transmit sensitive data to remote servers without the user knowing about it.This finding is worrisome as these devices quickly grow in popularity, with … Read more