TikTok sued for billions over use of children’s data

TikTok is facing a legal challenge from former children’s commissioner for England Anne Longfield over how it collects and uses children’s data. The claim is being filed on behalf of millions of children in the UK and EU who have used the hugely popular video-sharing app. If successful, the children affected could each be owed … Read more

EU starts trial with digital corona passport in June

The European Union will start a trial with a digital corona passport in early June to make it easier for holders to travel within the EU. The underlying European system must be ready and operational by the end of June. The “Digital Green Certificate” will serve as proof that someone has been vaccinated, tested negative … Read more

AI used in chat conversation analysis, major privacy invasion, or gift?

Chat logs analyzers with Artificial Intelligence are on the rise defining matching among others interest, intents, attitude, opinions, personality and character with a score on likelihood. But what happens with this data in the future and did the counter party agree on this privacy statement when you exported your chat log with him or her? … Read more

Your TV is watching you, too

Why TV sets are getting so cheap? James Carville said: it’s the data, stupid. TVs are in the lucrative business of harvesting and sharing your information. Americans spend an average of 3½ hours in front of a TV each day, according to eMarketer. Your TV records stores the history of your interests, personality, joys and … Read more

Austria wants to register user name popular forums

If it is up to the Austrian government, names and address details of users of popular forums and websites will be registered from next year, so that their details can be requested from the relevant platform in the event of an investigation. Users can still post comments under a pseudonym. With the bill, which should … Read more

Polish privacy authority imposes first GDPR fine

The Polish data protection authority has for the first time imposed a fine on a company for violating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The company, whose name is not mentioned, processed personal data obtained from public sources. It would be about 6 million records. The persons in question were not aware of this and … Read more

Millions of Facebook passwords exposed to FB employees

The passwords of millions of Facebook users were accessible by up to 20,000 employees of the social network. Security researcher Brian Krebs broke the news about data protection failures, which saw up to 600 million passwords stored in plain text. Most of the people affected were users of Facebook Lite, which tends to be used … Read more

Fake invoices cost Facebook and Google $122 million

A man sent Google and Facebook invoices for items they hadn’t purchased and that he hadn’t provided, which Google and Facebook paid anyway. Apparently, no one checked first to see if these corresponded to invoices/POs that had been issued within the companies. Read more about this topic at: https://boingboing.net/2019/03/24/evaldas-rimasauskas.html

ICO fines Kent pensions for sending nearly 2 million spam emails

Grove Pension Solutions Ltd which relied on ‘misleading’ professional advice has been fined £40,000 by the Information Commissioner’s Office for being responsible for sending nearly two million direct marketing emails without consent. The ICO has fined the pensions company under PECR. Read more about this topic at: https://ico.org.uk/about-the-ico/news-and-events/news-and-blogs/2019/03/ico-fines-kent-pensions-company-for-sending-nearly-2-million-spam-emails/

European Parliament approves copyright rules

Platforms like YouTube and Facebook to a set of new obligations to strike licensing deals and face new obligations to monitor their sites for any copyright-infringing content and removing any that falls under those licensing deals.. “Today’s vote ensures the right balance between the interests of all players — users, creators, authors, press — while … Read more