New Privacy Shield upcoming?

“The European Union has just announced reaching an agreement in principle with the US on a revived transatlantic data flows deal — potentially signalling an end to the many months of legal uncertainty that has dogged cloud services after a landmark court ruling in July 2020 which struck down the EU-US Privacy Shield. ‘We have found an agreement in … Read more

Privacy and security aspects of 5G technology

This study by the European Parliamentary Research Service describes two main dimensions of 5G technology, i.e. privacy and security. The focus of this research paper is the analysis of cybersecurity risks and threats, privacy challenges and 5G technology opportunities, at the EU level and worldwide, as well as the relationship between cybersecurity risks and privacy … Read more

Guidelines on Dark Patterns

The Guidelines offer practical recommendations to designers and users of social media platforms on how to assess and avoid so called “dark patterns” in social media interfaces that infringe on GDPR requirements. In the context of these Guidelines, “dark patterns” are considered as interfaces and user experiences implemented on social media platforms that lead users … Read more

Internal, external or shared DPO?

The CNIL – French DPA-published its guide for DPOs. This Guide analyzes, among other issues why and how to appoint a DPO, what means should be provided to fulfill its mission and the pros and cons of the internal, external and shared DPO roles are compared: 1) If you choose to appoint a member of the … Read more

French DPA 120K Fine for no data retention periods

The French DPA fined a French company for not having a retention period, keeping personal data since 2007. In fact they were using an out of date hashtag, not actually deleting data after data subject request. The CNIL fined the company 120.000 € for not taking all necessary measures to be compliant.

HBO shares the viewing history with Facebook

Did HBO forget about the Video Privacy Protection Act, a US act passed in 1988? A class action lawsuit alleges it shares the viewing history of its’ subscribers with Facebook, without their consent.“HBO Max has a privacy policy on its website, in which it discloses that it and its partners use cookies to deliver personalized … Read more

40% of EU companies stop to move non-personal data beyond its borders

An economic study commissioned by Computer and Communications Industry (CCIA Europe) finds that the envisaged international transfer requirements could lead to as many as 40% of the polled EU companies to stop moving non-personal, commercially sensitive data to jurisdictions beyond its borders, implying a GDP loss of 79 billion euros per year. This finding contrasts, however, … Read more

Google recognizes your movements and makes new kinds of choices for you

Google’s Advanced Technology and Products division has spent the past year exploring how computers can use radar to understand our needs or intentions and then react to us appropriately. Radar’s electromagnetic waves pick up precise gestures and movements by which the technology itself cane take a few more cues from us.